6 months

In 2 days, my baby will be 6 months old. And I’ve loved every minute of it. Even though my big baby has stopped trying and is back to being an infant and stopped potty training, I love Sarah too. Judge me…

6 thoughts on “6 months”

  1. Love the updates. Awesome reaching 6months old! Bet it’s going by so fast. Sorry to hear your big baby is back to being an infant. Glad to hear you’re at least a little bit accepting of her. I bet that is tough though. Moving closer to family, as you mentioned earlier I think, kinda sounds like a good idea.


  2. I won’t judge you. In my Opinion its a challenge for every Adult Baby and his Mommy oder her Daddy. Living their own lifes, their own identities and do what make them happy. Difficult enough without a litte real Baby.

    I’m an ABDL and happily married. My wife knows my other side an give me some Space. In my dreams she expands our FLR and forced me to wear Diapers.

    Hopefully some day we become Parents ourself.
    I would hide my Side from my Children because i want them to raise “normally”. Afterwards they should choose their own lives.

    I won’t confrontate them with things they won’t understand.

    I hope you find and good Way to keep your life and giving your Child the best parents that they can get.

    Sorry for my bad english.

    Greetings Benni


      1. Well, maybe it will be much easier with family that already knows your situation….I guess 2 in diapers isn’t so bad but others can certainly help you out…good thing he’s easy to pick up and carry from your previous notes.


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